Monday, August 10, 2009

Surprise vacation!

Hi! Its been forever since I posted, and I missed it! First I got sick (boo strep throat!) and then my boyfriend and I went away for a few days. We went to the mountains and Lake Louise and some other crazy gorgeous places, and it was a total sneaky surprise that he planned! I loved it and I definitely miss being there. I don't think I've ever seen anything so gorgeous...the water was this amazing blue, and the hotel was fabulous and it was a well needed rest!
And now I'm back home and back to work and only a few days away from the Make Up Art Cosmetics collection from MAC! I'm definitely picking up the Photo Realism quad, a jar of Cocomotion, a couple of lipsticks and a liner or two! And maybe more, we shall have to wait and see. And when I do pick up my goodies, I will of course let you know what they are :-) What are your cravings, if any, from the new collection? Definitely let me know!
I've been feeling like doing some more clothes shopping lately as well. I'm really really picky about my clothes, I never wear pants or jeans, unless it is 100% absolutely unavoidable, even if its blizzarding out. Actually I don't even own a pair of jeans right now. I really prefer skirts and dresses and cutesy things like that and so I think I may need to hit up Anthropologie or something pretty soon! Hopefully I can turn my MAC shopping day in a week or so into a clothing day too? I hope so!
So let me know what you guys are craving or loving right now, and stay gorgeous everybody

<3<3 Kristen

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