Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday Chat!

Happy Sunday everyone! I love Sundays, and lately they've been even better. Its been unseasonably hot here, and I'm loving it! The weather is supposed to stay at mid-July type temperatures right through the month and I'm just thrilled!
Now, I haven't done really any shopping since my last post, but I did have an experience that I thought warranted a bit of blogging. As we all know, I adore Lush. I rarely ever find a product there that I don't enjoy using. However, a couple of days ago I went to use a particular item I had bought, and I had a bit of an issue with it. I'm not really going to go into exactly the issue with the item, but suffice it to say that I didn't feel it was usable. I was of course sad, because Lush is not cheap by any means, so I decided to take a bit of action and let the company know that I was disappointed in a product.
Let me tell you, the customer service I got from the CSR that contacted me back after I emailed them was FABULOUS. I really couldn't have asked for a better response from them; they replied crazy fast and were completely helpful and fantastic about the whole thing. I think its getting rarer and rarer to find a company that really does go that extra bit further for their customers and I feel that Lush definitely did that for me. I will definitely continue buying from them, and I recommend Lush so highly to everyone!
Well, that is all I really had to say this time. I`m off to bake some pumpkin cookies (yum) and watch a bit of True Blood! Enjoy your Sunday evening and stay gorgeous everyone!

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